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Dancing For Birth™ Shop

Dancing For Birth™ Masterclass: Love, Joy and Orgasmic Birth with expert Debra Pascali Bonaro

¥363.00 CNY
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¥363.00 CNY

Dancing For Birth™ Masterclass: Love, Joy and Orgasmic Birth (Digital Download)

Birth doesn't have to be painful? No, it can actually be enjoyable, even orgasmic.

Come and understand how pleasure helps you achieve a safer, gentler birth. Find out how to honor, heal and expand your sexuality.  

Our Dancing For Birth™ Masterclass Series brings you powerful and engaging wisdom from global birth visionaries. Your host, Dancing For Birth™ founder Stephanie Larson, has dedicated 20+ years to bringing bliss to families all over the world through her fun and effective Dancing For Birth™ birth method and prenatal- postpartum class. Yes! Birth can be like this!

Featured Expert - Debra Pascali-Bonaro

Debra Pascali-Bonaro is a world-renowned inspirational speaker, filmmaker, doula trainer, childbirth educator, and author. 

  • 1 Contact Hour from Dancing For Birth™
  • 60-minutes